OpenEdition is the umbrella portal for OpenEdition Books,, Hypotheses and Calenda, four platforms dedicated to electronic resources in the humanities and social sciences.

ALM Name openedition
ALM Configuration rate-limit: 1000
ALM Core Attributes url (as link)
contributor (as creator)
ALM Other Attributes title
Protocol REST
Format XML
Rate-limiting unknown
Authentication no
Restriction by IP Address no

Example Response

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    <title>10.2307/683422 - Recherche OpenEdition</title>
    <description>Flux RSS de votre recherche: 10.2307/683422</description>
        <rdf:li resource=""/>
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    <title>Saartjie Baartman : la Vénus Hottentote</title>
    <dcterms:isPartOf rdf:resource="">Rue des facs</dcterms:isPartOf>
        ... , no 3 (1 septembre 2000): 606 607. doi:<em>10.2307</em>/<em>683422</em>. « The Hottentot Venus Is Going Home ». The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education no 35 (1 avril 2002): 63. doi:<em>10.2307</em>/3133845. Vous trouverez toutes ...

Source Code

The source code is available here.