The ALM application is now being used by other publishers. Since other publishers use this same application, we can access altmetrics data from all of them with a single client. rOpenSci has made an R client for interacting with the ALM application from R, called alm.

There are now four publishers that are using the ALM app - that is, that you can get altmetrics data from: PLOS, Crossref, Publick Knowledge Project (PKP), and Copernicus. More are likely coming on line.

As a quick demonstration of the power of this single interface to many different altmetrics providers, below are a few examples.

Install and load alm


Get data

PLOS article data

The default in the alm package is for the PLOS ALM app. You do need to get an API key first here You can pass in the key parameter or store in your .Rprofile file and pass in that way, or do options(PlosApiKey = "yourkey") and that will be stored for your current R session.

out <- alm(doi = "10.1371/journal.pone.0036240")
##         .id  pdf  html shares groups comments likes citations total
## 1 citeulike   NA    NA      5     NA       NA    NA        NA     5
## 2  crossref   NA    NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         3     3
## 3    nature   NA    NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         1     1
## 4    pubmed   NA    NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         5     5
## 5    scopus   NA    NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         7     7
## 6   counter 1054 15067     NA     NA       NA    NA        NA 16163

Crossref article data

You need to get a Crossref ALM API key first here, and pass in a different URL

url <- ""
alm(doi = "10.1080/15459624.2013.816432", url = url, key = getOption("crossrefalmkey"))
##                 .id pdf html shares groups comments likes citations total
## 1          crossref  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 2          mendeley  NA   NA     NA   TRUE       NA    NA        NA     0
## 3          facebook  NA   NA   2139     NA      461  1243        NA  3843
## 4  researchblogging  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 5               pmc  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 6        copernicus  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA        NA     0
## 7    twitter_search  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 8         citeulike  NA   NA      0     NA       NA    NA        NA     0
## 9            pubmed  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 10        wordpress  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 11           reddit  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 12        wikipedia  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 13   doi_resolution  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 14         datacite  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 15        pmceurope  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 16    pmceuropedata  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 17    scienceseeker  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 18           nature  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 19      openedition  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0

Public Knowledge Project (PKP) article data

You need to get a PKP ALM API key first here, and pass in a different URL

url <- ""
alm(doi = "10.3402/gha.v7.23554", url = url, key = getOption("pkpalmkey"))
##                 .id pdf html shares groups comments likes citations total
## 1         citeulike  NA   NA      0     NA       NA    NA        NA     0
## 2            pubmed  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 3         wikipedia  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 4          mendeley  NA   NA     NA   TRUE       NA    NA        NA     0
## 5          facebook  NA   NA      1     NA        0     0        NA     1
## 6            nature  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 7  researchblogging  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 8          crossref  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 9     scienceseeker  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 10        pmceurope  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 11    pmceuropedata  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 12      openedition  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 13        wordpress  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 14           reddit  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 15       copernicus  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA        NA     0

Copernicus publishers article data

You need to get a Copernicus ALM API key first here, and pass in a different URL

url <- ""
alm(doi = "10.5194/fr-17-33-2014", url = url, key = getOption("copernicusalmkey"))
##                 .id pdf html shares groups comments likes citations total
## 1         citeulike  NA   NA      0     NA       NA    NA        NA     0
## 2            pubmed  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 3     scienceseeker  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 4            nature  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 5         wikipedia  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 6          crossref  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 7          facebook  NA   NA      0     NA        0     0        NA     0
## 8          mendeley  NA   NA     NA   TRUE       NA    NA        NA     0
## 9  researchblogging  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 10       copernicus 248  495     NA     NA       NA    NA        NA   749
## 11        pmceurope  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 12    pmceuropedata  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 13      openedition  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0
## 14        wordpress  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         1     1
## 15           reddit  NA   NA     NA     NA       NA    NA         0     0

Once you have data you can leverage the great statistics and visualization power of R easily.


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