Twitter is a social networking and microblogging service. Twitter does store tweets only for a limited amount of time, so it is up to us to collect this information regularly. We therefore store all information internally in a CouchDB database (defined by the data_url configuration).


Application-only authentication is the preferred method of authentication because the authentication process is simpler and the rate-limits are higher. Application-only authentication uses OAuth2 and the first step is to register your application at the Twitter Developer website and obtain an API key and API secret (they are found under the API Keys tab).

Please enter API key and API secret in the ALM configuration settings. The application will automatically fetch and store an OAuth2 access token the first time we use the source. To obtain the access token yourself, issue the following command:

curl -u API_KEY:API_SECRET -d grant_type=client_credentials

Required configuration fields


The source searches the Twitter Search API by DOI and URL, e.g.\"%{doi}\" OR \"%{query_url}\"&count=100&include_entities=1&result_type=recent"

The Search API will find shortened URLs with this query.


The rate-limits for application-only authentication and search are 450 requests per 15 min or 1,800 requests per hour. Depending on the number of articles we might have to adjust how often we contact Twitter, the default settings are every 12 hours the first 7 days after publication, then daily for the first month, and then weekly.

ALM Name twitter_search
ALM Configuration default
ALM Core Attributes id
date (as created_at)
ALM Other Attributes title
Protocol REST
Format JSON
Rate-limiting 1,800/hr
Authentication OAuth2
Restriction by IP Address no
API URL\"DOI\"+OR+\"URL\"&count=100&include_entities=1&result_type=recent
License Terms of Service

Example Response

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Source Code

The source code is available here.

Further Documentation