Usage data from the PLOS website for the article Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses: The PRISMA Statement, published July 2009. This article shows the ratio of HTML views to PDF downloads typical for PLOS but is unusual in that the usage data start to increase two years after publication. Data generated live from

Source code

 * ALMViz
 * See for more details
 * Distributed under the GNU GPL v2. For full terms see the file docs/COPYING.
 * @brief Article level metrics visualization controller.
function AlmViz(options) {
    // allow jQuery object to be passed in
    // in case a different version of jQuery is needed from the one globally defined
    $ = options.jQuery || $;

    // Init data
    var groups_ = options.groups;
    var sources_ = options.sources;
    var data = options.almStatsJson;
    var additionalStats = options.additionalStatsJson;
    if (additionalStats) {

    // Init basic options
    var baseUrl_ = options.baseUrl;
    var minItems_ = options.minItemsToShowGraph;
    var showTitle = options.showTitle;
    var formatNumber_ = d3.format(",d");

    // extract publication date
    var pub_date = d3.time.format.iso.parse(data[0]["publication_date"]);

    var vizDiv;
    // Get the Div where the viz should go (default to one with ID "alm')
    if (options.vizDiv) {
        vizDiv =;
    } else {
        vizDiv ="#alm");

    // look to make sure browser support SVG
    var hasSVG_ = document.implementation.hasFeature("", "1.1");

    // to track if any metrics have been found
    var metricsFound_;

     * Initialize the visualization.
     * NB: needs to be accessible from the outside for initialization
    this.initViz = function() {"#loading").remove();

        if (showTitle) {
                .attr('href', '' + data[0].doi)
                .attr("class", "title")

        // loop through groups
        groups_.forEach(function(group) {
            addGroup_(vizDiv, group, data);

        if (!metricsFound_) {
                .attr("class", "text-muted")
                .text("No metrics found.");

     * Build each article level statistics group.
     * @param {Object} canvas d3 element
     * @param {Array} group Information about the group.
     * @param {Object} data Statistics.
     * @return {JQueryObject|boolean}
    var addGroup_ = function(canvas, group, data) {
        var $groupRow = false;

        // Loop through sources to add statistics data to the group.
        data[0]["sources"].forEach(function(source) {
            if (source.group_name != return;
            if (group.sources.indexOf( != 0) return;

            var total =;
            if (total == 0) return;

            // Only add the group row the first time
            if (!$groupRow) {
                $groupRow = getgroupRow_(canvas, group);

            // Flag that there is at least one metric
            metricsFound_ = true;

            // Some sources have multiple data
            if (source.group_name == "viewed") {
                if (source.metrics.html > 0) addSource_(source, source.display_name + " HTML", source.metrics.html, group, "html", $groupRow);
                if (source.metrics.pdf > 0) addSource_(source, source.display_name + " PDF", source.metrics.pdf, group, "pdf", $groupRow);
            } else {
                  var label = source.display_name;
                  addSource_(source, label, total, group, "total", $groupRow);

     * Get group row d3 HTML element. It will automatically
     * add the element to the passed canvas.
     * @param {d3Object} canvas d3 HTML element
     * @param {Array} group group information.
     * @param {d3Object}
    var getgroupRow_ = function(canvas, group) {
        var groupRow, groupTitle, tooltip;

        // Build group html objects.
        groupRow = canvas.append("div")
            .attr("class", "alm-group")
            .attr("id", "group-" +;

        return groupRow;

     * Add source information to the passed group row element.
     * @param {Object} source
     * @param {integer} sourceTotalValue
     * @param {Object} group
     * @param {JQueryObject} $groupRow
     * @return {JQueryObject}
    var addSource_ = function(source, label, sourceTotalValue, group, subgroup, $groupRow) {
        var $row, $countLabel, $count,
            total = sourceTotalValue;

        $row = $groupRow
            .attr("class", "alm-source")
            .attr("id", "source-" + + "-" + subgroup);
        $countLabel = $row.append("div")
            .attr("class", "alm-label " +;

        if (source.events_url) {
            // if there is an events_url, we can link to it from the count
            $count = $countLabel.append("p")
                .attr("class", "alm-count")
                .attr("id", "alm-count-" + + "-" +
                .attr("href", function(d) { return source.events_url; });
        } else {
            // if no events_url, we just put in the count
            $count = $countLabel.append("p")
                .attr("class", "alm-count")
                .attr("id", "alm-count-" + + "-" +;


        if ( == 'pkpTimedViews') {
        } else {
            // link the source name
                .attr("href", baseUrl_ + "/sources/" +

        // Only add a chart if the browser supports SVG
        if (hasSVG_) {
            var level = false;

            // check what levels we can show
            var showDaily = false;
            var showMonthly = false;
            var showYearly = false;

            if (source.by_year) {
                level_data = getData_('year', source);
                var yearTotal = level_data.reduce(function(i, d) { return i + d[subgroup]; }, 0);
                var numYears = d3.time.year.utc.range(pub_date, new Date()).length;

                if (yearTotal >= minItems_.minEventsForYearly &&
                    numYears >= minItems_.minYearsForYearly) {
                    showYearly = true;
                    level = 'year';

            if (source.by_month) {
                level_data = getData_('month', source);
                var monthTotal = level_data.reduce(function(i, d) { return i + d[subgroup]; }, 0);
                var numMonths = d3.time.month.utc.range(pub_date, new Date()).length;

                if (monthTotal >= minItems_.minEventsForMonthly &&
                    numMonths >= minItems_.minMonthsForMonthly) {
                    showMonthly = true;
                    level = 'month';

            if (source.by_day){
                level_data = getData_('day', source);
                var dayTotal = level_data.reduce(function(i, d) { return i + d[subgroup]; }, 0);
                var numDays =, new Date()).length;

                if (dayTotal >= minItems_.minEventsForDaily && numDays >= minItems_.minDaysForDaily) {
                    showDaily = true;
                    level = 'day';

            // The level and level_data should be set to the finest level
            // of granularity that we can show
            timeInterval = getTimeInterval_(level);

            // check there is data for
            if (showDaily || showMonthly || showYearly) {
                    .attr('class', 'alm-source with-chart');

                var $chartDiv = $row.append("div")
                    .attr("class", "alm-chart");

                var viz = getViz_($chartDiv, source, group, subgroup);
                loadData_(viz, level);

                var update_controls = function(control) {

                var $levelControlsDiv = $chartDiv.append("div")
                    .attr("class", "alm-control-label")
                    .attr("style", "width: " + (viz.margin.left + viz.width) + "px;");

                if (showDaily) {
                        .attr("href", "javascript:void(0)")
                        .classed("alm-control", true)
                        .classed("disabled", !showDaily)
                        .classed("active", (level == 'day'))
                        .text("daily (first 30)")
                        .on("click", function() {
                            if (showDaily && !$(this).hasClass('active')) {
                                loadData_(viz, 'day');

                    $levelControlsDiv.append("text").text(" | ");

                if (showMonthly) {
                        .attr("href", "javascript:void(0)")
                        .classed("alm-control", true)
                        .classed("disabled", !showMonthly || !showYearly)
                        .classed("active", (level == 'month'))
                        .on("click", function() { if (showMonthly && !$(this).hasClass('active')) {
                            loadData_(viz, 'month');
                        } });

                    if (showYearly) {
                            .text(" | ");


                if (showYearly) {
                        .attr("href", "javascript:void(0)")
                        .classed("alm-control", true)
                        .classed("disabled", !showYearly || !showMonthly)
                        .classed("active", (level == 'year'))
                        .on("click", function() {
                            if (showYearly && !$(this).hasClass('active')) {
                                loadData_(viz, 'year');

        return $row;

     * Extract the date from the source
     * @param level (day|month|year)
     * @param d the datum
     * @return {Date}
    var getDate_ = function(level, d) {
        switch (level) {
            case 'year':
                return new Date(d.year, 0, 1);
            case 'month':
                // js Date indexes months at 0
                return new Date(d.year, d.month - 1, 1);
            case 'day':
                // js Date indexes months at 0
                return new Date(d.year, d.month - 1,;

     * Format the date for display
     * @param level (day|month|year)
     * @param d the datum
     * @return {String}
    var getFormattedDate_ = function(level, d) {
        switch (level) {
            case 'year':
                return d3.time.format("%Y")(getDate_(level, d));
            case 'month':
                return d3.time.format("%b %y")(getDate_(level, d));
            case 'day':
                return d3.time.format("%d %b %y")(getDate_(level, d));

     * Extract the data from the source.
     * @param {string} level (day|month|year)
     * @param {Object} source
     * @return {Array} Metrics
    var getData_ = function(level, source) {
        switch (level) {
            case 'year':
                return source.by_year;
            case 'month':
                return source.by_month;
            case 'day':
                return source.by_day;

     * Returns a d3 timeInterval for date operations.
     * @param {string} level (day|month|year
     * @return {Object} d3 time Interval
    var getTimeInterval_ = function(level) {
        switch (level) {
            case 'year':
                return d3.time.year.utc;
            case 'month':
                return d3.time.month.utc;
            case 'day':

     * The basic general set up of the graph itself
     * @param {JQueryElement} chartDiv The div where the chart should go
     * @param {Object} source
     * @param {Array} group The group for 86 chart
     * @return {Object}
    var getViz_ = function(chartDiv, source, group, subgroup) {
        var viz = {};

        // size parameters
        viz.margin = {top: 10, right: 20, bottom: 5, left: 50};
        viz.width = 700 - viz.margin.left - viz.margin.right;
        viz.height = 115 - - viz.margin.bottom;

        // div where everything goes
        viz.chartDiv = chartDiv;

        // source data and which group = group;
        viz.subgroup = subgroup;
        viz.source = source;

        // just for record keeping = + '-' + + '-' + viz.subgroup;

        viz.x = d3.time.scale();
        viz.x.range([0, viz.width]);

        viz.y = d3.scale.linear();
        viz.y.range([viz.height, 0]);

        viz.z = d3.scale.ordinal();
        viz.z.range([, + '-alt']);

        // the chart
        viz.svg = viz.chartDiv.append("svg")
            .attr("width", viz.width + viz.margin.left + viz.margin.right)
            .attr("height", viz.height + + viz.margin.bottom + 1)
            .attr("transform", "translate(" + viz.margin.left + "," + + ")");

        // draw the bars g first so it ends up underneath the axes
        viz.bars = viz.svg.append("g");

        // and the shadow bars on top for the tooltips
        viz.barsForTooltips = viz.svg.append("g");

            .attr("class", "x axis")
            .attr("transform", "translate(0," + viz.height + ")");

            .attr("class", "y axis");

        return viz;

     * Takes in the basic set up of a graph and loads the data itself
     * @param {Object} viz AlmViz object
     * @param {string} level (day|month|year)
    var loadData_ = function(viz, level) {
        var group =;
        var subgroup = viz.subgroup;
        var level_data = getData_(level, viz.source);
        var timeInterval = getTimeInterval_(level);

        var end_date = new Date();
        // use only first 29 days if using day view
        // close out the year otherwise
        if (level == 'day') {
            end_date = timeInterval.offset(pub_date, 29);
        } else {
            end_date = d3.time.year.utc.ceil(end_date);

        // Domains for x and y
        // a time x axis, between pub_date and end_date
        viz.x.domain([timeInterval.floor(pub_date), end_date]);

        // a linear axis from 0 to max value found
        viz.y.domain([0, d3.max(level_data, function(d) { return d[subgroup]; })]);

        // Axis
        // a linear axis between publication date and current date
        viz.xAxis = d3.svg.axis()

        // a linear y axis between 0 and max value found in data
        viz.yAxis = d3.svg.axis()
            .tickValues([d3.max(viz.y.domain())])   // only one tick at max

        // The chart itself

        // TODO: these transitions could use a little work

        // add more padding to wider bars
        var rawWidth = (viz.width/(timeInterval.range(pub_date, end_date).length + 1));
        var barWidth = Math.max(rawWidth - rawWidth/5, 1);

        var barsForTooltips = viz.barsForTooltips.selectAll(".barsForTooltip")
            .data(level_data, function(d) { return getDate_(level, d); });


        var bars = viz.bars.selectAll(".bar")
            .data(level_data, function(d) { return getDate_(level, d); });

            .attr("class", function(d) { return "bar " + viz.z((level == 'day' ? d3.time.weekOfYear(getDate_(level, d)) : d.year)); })
            .attr("y", viz.height)
            .attr("height", 0);

            .attr("x", function(d) { return viz.x(getDate_(level, d)) + 2; })
            .attr("width", barWidth);

            .attr("width", barWidth)
            .attr("y", function(d) { return viz.y(d[subgroup]); })
            .attr("height", function(d) { return viz.height - viz.y(d[subgroup]); });

            .attr("y", viz.height)
            .attr("height", 0);




            .attr("class", function(d) { return "barsForTooltip " + viz.z((level == 'day' ? d3.time.weekOfYear(getDate_(level, d)) : d.year)); });

            .attr("width", barWidth + 2)
            .attr("x", function(d) { return viz.x(getDate_(level, d)) + 1; })
            .attr("y", function(d) { return viz.y(d[subgroup]) - 1; })
            .attr("height", function(d) { return viz.height - viz.y(d[subgroup]) + 1; });

        // add in some tool tips
                $(this).tooltip('destroy'); // need to destroy so all bars get updated
                $(this).tooltip({title: formatNumber_(d[subgroup]) + " in " + getFormattedDate_(level, d), container: "body"});

// example 2
options = {
    baseUrl: '',
    minItemsToShowGraph: {
        minEventsForYearly: 3,
        minEventsForMonthly: 3,
        minEventsForDaily: 3,
        minYearsForYearly: 1,
        minMonthsForMonthly: 1,
        minDaysForDaily: 1
    vizDiv: "div#example2",
    showTitle: true,
    groups: [{ name: "viewed", display_name: "Viewed", sources: ["counter"] }]

var doi ="p#example2").attr('data-doi');
var api_key ="p#example2").attr('data-api_key');

d3.json(encodeURI("" + api_key + "&ids=" + doi + "&info=history"), function(error, json) {
    if (error) return console.warn(error);
    options['almStatsJson'] = json["data"];
    var almviz = new AlmViz(options);


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